Services for Thurrock Residents
We know that lots of our clients have used the services Batias provides for a long time.
We want you to know about some other services which might be able to help you in the future.
Thurrock Adult Social Care social care dept
Zero 5 Club : social club for adults with disabilities: Tel: 07519 007621 email:
Community Learning Disability Team Thurrock LD Team
Thurrock First Tel: 01375 511 000
Voiceability Tel: 0300 303 1660 Advocacy Support
SUMMIT Tel: 01255 429778 advocacy support and AB4D Collaborate Essex
Healthwatch Thurrock Tel: 01375 389883 help with health and social care services
DIAL South Essex Tel: 0333 366 1045 provide advice and information on a range of issues
Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions Tel: 01375 370 460
Thurrock Centre for Independent Living Tel: 01375 389 864 support and advice for disabled people
Thurrock & District Mencap email:
Ace Group 07934 442854 Leisure activities for people with disabilities 19 years +
Sport for confidence website:
Essex well being service Tel: 0300 303 9988
United in Kind website:
Motivated Minds website:
We hope you will be able to find the support you need in the future from these and other services.
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