This company will be ceasing trading for support shortly, please contact the another local advocacy service if you still require support

shh your not supposed to look at this yet dont tell anyone you saw ;)

The Care Act 2014

The Care Act 2014 is a law about care and support for adults in England.
Previously there were lots of different laws on care and support. This made it difficult to know what care and support you could get. The Care Act brings them together to make just one new law instead.
The Care Act came into force in April 2015. There are clear and simple rules and guidance about the law.
It says: What support people should be able to get, What councils will have to do to provide support,
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) have produced a video about the Care Act which you can watch on this link
How The Care Act affects advocacy:
The Care Act is about making sure everyone gets the care and support they need. If you receive care services, or if you need to receive these services, you may have the right to independent advocacy.
Advocates can help you understand your rights and the choices you have. They can also assist you to speak up about the care you receive.
You can request an advocate if you find it very hard to: Understand what is happening and the choices that you have; Decide what care and support you need; Tell people what you want.
If you want to request an advocate you can find out more information on this link
If you want some more information about BATIAS’ independent advocacy service you can see our BATIAS Leaflet here
The Department of Health have produced an easy read booklet explaining the Care Act click this link to read it
The government have also produced a number of factsheets about topics covered in the Care Act which you can download from the GOV.UK website here
If you want to know any more information about the services BATIAS provides you can view details on this link